临床普外科电子杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4): 22-.

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  1. 1. 兰州大学第一医院东岗院区 综合内科,甘肃 兰州 730020;2. 兰州大学 第一临床医学院,甘肃 兰州 730020
  • 出版日期:2023-10-01 发布日期:2023-12-20
  • 基金资助:


Analysis of application of information management in quality control of pancreatic cancer specimen collection

  1. 1. General Internal Medicine Department of Donggang Branch, The First Hospital of Lanzhou University, Gansu Lanzhou 730020, China; 2. The First Clinical Medical College, Lanzhou University, Gansu Lanzhou 730020, China 
  • Online:2023-10-01 Published:2023-12-20


目的 探讨分析信息化管理在消化道肿瘤患者检验标本采集质量控制中的应用价值。方法 选取2021 年10 月至2022 年3 月在兰州大学第一医院东岗院区住院的消化道肿瘤患者,包括胃癌、胰腺癌和结直肠癌共计40 例,根据入院时间随机分为对照组和试验组,每组各20 例。每组患者均选取其病理组织、血液、尿液、粪便4 类标本各1 份,每组标本各80 份。试验组应用信息化管理对多部门、全环节进行全程监控,对照组为传统留取标本,比较分析两组不合格标本的情况。结果 对照组80 份送检标本中质量不合格标本总数为26 份,不合格率为32.5% ;标本质量不合格最主要的类型是标本送检前固定处理方法不当、标本运送方式不合理、标本污染、标本类别有误、标本采集量有误。试验组80 份送检标本中质量不合格标本总数为4 份,不合格率5.0%,标本质量不合格主要类型为标本收集不标准、标本运送不合理。试验组标本质量合格率显著高于对照组(P=0.0001)。结论 通过信息化管理后,不合格标本发生率显著下降,信息化管理在提高消化道肿瘤患者检验标本采集质量控制中有较大应用价值。

关键词: 信息化管理, 消化道肿瘤, 质量控制, 流程优化


Objective To explore and analyze the application of information management in quality control of pancreatic cancer test samples. Method A total of 40 patients with clinically confirmed digestive tract tumors, including gastric cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer, were divided into control group and experimental group, with 20 patients in each group. From the aspects of pathology, blood, urine and stool sample collection methods and delivery of pre-test procedures, information management was applied to monitor the whole process of multiple departments and the whole link, and the causes of unqualified specimens were analyzed. Corresponding measures should be taken to reduce the incidence of unqualified specimens. Result The total number of substandard samples in the control group of 80 samples for examination was 26, with a failure rate of 32.5%; The main types of substandard specimen quality are improper fixation and processing methods before specimen submission, unreasonable specimen transportation methods, specimen contamination, incorrect specimen types, and incorrect specimen collection quantities. Out of the 80 samples submitted for testing in the experimental group, the total number of samples with substandard quality was 4, with a failure rate of 5.0%. The main types of substandard sample quality were non-standard sample collection and unreasonable sample transportation. The qualification rate of specimen quality in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P=0.0001). Conclusion After the information management, the incidence rate of unqualified specimens decreased significantly. The information management has great application value in improving the quality control of examination specimens collected from patients with pancreatic cancer, which is worthy of clinical promotion.

Key words: Information management, Pancreatic cancer, Quality control, Process optimization