临床普外科电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (3): 35-.

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  1. 青岛市市立医院 病案室,山东 青岛 266011
  • 出版日期:2021-07-01 发布日期:2021-09-24

Analysis of breast cancer diseases and surgical encoding

  1. Medical Records Room of Qingdao Municipal Hospital, Qingdao 266011, Shandong
  • Online:2021-07-01 Published:2021-09-24


摘要:目的 探讨有关乳腺癌的疾病诊断和手术方式,正确地认识乳腺癌的疾病诊断和手术,从而做出正确的编码。方法 抽查10份乳腺外科关于乳腺癌进行手术的病例,利用国际疾病分类(international classification of diseases,ICD)-10和国际疾病分类手术码(ICD-9-CM-3),对病例的疾病诊断和手术编码错误原因进行查找和分析。结果 主要诊断笼统表述乳房恶性肿瘤2例,全乳房切除术编码(单侧/双侧)为85.41/85.42,修正后由原始的1例升为2例;乳腺癌改良根治术编码(单侧/双侧)为85.43/85.44,修正后由原始的5例增加到8例;乳腺癌根治术编码(单侧/双侧)为85.45/85.46,修正后由原始的3例降到0例;乳腺癌扩大根治术编码(单侧/双侧)85.47/85.48,修正后由原始的1例降到0例。结论 乳房相关切除术必须根据手术术式和切除范围进行准确的疾病诊断和手术编码,这样才能使电子病历审核系统更好地服务于临床医生和编码工作者。

关键词: 乳腺癌, 改良根治性乳房切除术, 编码


Abstract: Objective Through this case, we can discuss the diagnosis and operation of breast cancer, which is helpful for a correct understanding of breast cancer and operation and making the correct encoding. Methods 10 breast surgery cases were selected from breast cancer department,using the international statistical classification of diseases(ICD)-10 and related health problems and surgical procedures of international classification of diseases(ICD-9-CM-3),improve the accuracy of the coding, the causes of the wrong diagnosis and operation coding were found and analyzed. Results Main diagnosis of 2 cases of breast malignancy, full mastectomy code (unilateral / bilateral) was 85.41/85.42, revised from 1 to 2, modified radical breast cancer code (unilateral / bilateral) was 85.43/85.44, revised from 5 to 8, radical breast cancer code (unilateral / bilateral) was 85.45/85.46, revised from 3 to 0, revised breast cancer enlarged radical coding (unilateral / bilateral) 85.47/85.48, reduced from 1 to 0. Conclusion Accurate diagnosis and surgical coding must be performed according to the type and extent of mastectomy, this enables the electronic medical record audit system to better serve clinicians and coding workers

Key words: Breast cancer, Modified radical mastectomy, Coding