燃料与化工 ›› 2020, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 56-58.

• 环境保护与节能减排 • 上一篇    下一篇


党平  傅亮  马银华  崔晓波   

  1. 鞍钢股份鲅鱼圈钢铁分公司, 营口115007
  • 出版日期:2020-01-23 发布日期:2020-02-21

Improvement of start-up for DeSOx and DeNOx device of 7 m battery

Dang Ping  Fu Liang  Ma Yinhua  Cui Xiaobo   

  1. Coking Plant of Bayuquan Iron & Steel Company,AnSteel Co.,Ltd.,Yingkou 115007,China
  • Online:2020-01-23 Published:2020-02-21


主要介绍鲅鱼圈炼焦部7 m焦炉烟气脱硫脱硝系统开工运行的实践经验,在保障焦炉安全运行的基础上,达到快速稳定运行脱硫脱硝系统的目的,效果明显,具有可推广及借鉴意义。



Introduction is made to the application on start-up for DeSOx and DeNOx device of 7 m battery in Coking Plant of Bayuquan Iron & Steel Company.This practice can achieve stable operation of the DeSOx and DeNOx device at the quickest, which shows an obvious result and can be promoted and can be used as a demonstration.

Key words: 7 m battery, Coke oven flue gas, DeSOx and DeNOx, Start-up
